Why Become Certified?
Your Enterprise can demonstrate that it is operating in accordance with the industry requirements and expectations of consumers, markets, regulatory authorities and the wider community, in relation to the key issues of food safety and industry best practice.
Certification Costs
Each B-QUAL Certified enterprise is visited biennially or annually to monitor compliance to their approved QA system. Audits are conducted by Safe Food Australia auditors contracted by B-QUAL as the National Service Provider (NSP).
Get Certified
- Apply for the B-QUAL Training manual by requesting a Certification Pack below
- On completion of training, send B-QUAL Self-Assessment document to Safe Food Australia for marking (as per instructions provided in the Training manual)
Industry Owned Quality Assurance Trusted by Over 300 Members Over 300 Members
About B-QUAL
B-QUAL Australia Pty Limited has been established by the Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC) as an independently developed and audited food safety program.
B-QUAL aims to ensure that 90% of honey produced in Australia is quality assured for both the domestic and export markets.
Happy Members
Dr Andrew Wootton – Executive committee member Victorian Apiarists Association and B-TRACE member talks to Dr Randy Oliver – Entomologist Researcher and commercial beekeeper, about the current Varroa situation. Helpful advice and tips regarding both detection and management.
Detecting Varroa
Dr Andrew Wootton interviews Dr Randy Oliver about the incursion of Varroa into Australia and the best approach to managing the current situation. What is there to worry about, and what does the future hold?
Managing Varroa
Dr Andrew Wootton interviews Dr Randy Oliver about effective management strategies when combatting Varroa. Learn about guarding against outbreaks, and what to do if Varroa has become an issue.
Keep abreast of the latest news and development in the industry with B-QUAL quarterly newsletter.
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