How much does it cost to be B‑QUAL Certified?

Initial Cost

  • Self-Learning Pack: $325.00 Inc. GST
  • Initial/ On-going Audit Fee: $750 + GST

Approximate only: four(4) hours with travel included; any variation relates to size and scope of the enterprise; and, other activities that may be relevant to the participant.

Annual Membership Fees

Beekeepers (Over 100 hives)

  • Annual Membership Fees: $185.00 + GST

Recreational Beekeepers (100 or less hives)

* A biennial audit (every two-years) is an option if a honey producer has undertaken an audit in the previous year, without any issues having been identified. This is only available to a producer who sells directly to an individual packer. Sales must be accompanied by a vendor declaration; and, it must also confirm that honey has not been sold directly to the public.